If you have been hoping to provide your property with an unparalleled sense of elegance, pattern-imprinted concrete could represent an excellent choice. This process has become increasingly popular due to the materials employed as well as the variety of results that you will be able to achieve. Before we examine the benefits attributable to imprinted concrete, it is a good idea to take a quick look at the installation process in greater detail.

Imprinted Concrete

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Imprinted Concrete

As you may have already guessed, the most important component of this option is traditional concrete. The main difference is that a chemical hardener is applied to the surface of this concrete before it begins to dry. A predetermined pattern is then stamped into this surface. Once the pattern hardens, it will offer a much more durable layer when compared to untreated concrete. Furthermore, it is possible to add dyes to this mixture if you hope to match its tone with other areas of your property.

Continuous Quality Improvement: Step Outside Landscapes

Step Outside Landscapes is pleased to offer this stunning option and the design options at your disposal are nearly endless. In fact, there are many times when we can create a specific pattern based around the needs of the client in question. Would you like to learn more your options or are you interested in receiving a quotation? If so, please speak with a representative as soon as possible.