There are many situations which may call for the addition of a disabled access path. Those with limited mobility issues or who may be confined to wheelchairs should never be forced to negotiate difficult and potentially dangerous areas within a garden or public space.

Disabled Access

This is why Step Outside Landscapes provides a number of turnkey solutions in regards to disabled access configurations. How will we approach such a project and what can you expect when working with our team of experts?

Clarity and Insight from the Very Beginning

Unlike generic or landscaping projects, we tackle each task with the needs of the client in mind. This is even more relevant in relation to disabled access designs. Each individual has different concerns, so we will take into account variables including (but not always limited to):

  • The type of mobility aid use (such as wheelchairs, canes or walkers)
  • Other safety features such as handrails
  • The slope and width of the path

This approach enables us to achieve what can only be called a twofold goal. First, we strive to provide our customers with superior levels of safety and convenience. Secondly, all of our disabled access projects will incorporate an aesthetic appeal in order to enhance the visual allure of the property in question.

If you need your pathway widened for easy access, then please contact us today for a free no obligation quote.

Essex Disabled Access